Greatest Film Scenes
and Moments

Blow Out (1981)


Written by Tim Dirks

Title Screen
Movie Title/Year and Scene Descriptions

Blow Out (1981)

In this twisty Brian De Palma thriller:

  • the participatory scene in which sound F/X recorder Jack Terri (John Travolta) listened to a recorded sound tape he had made (of a political candidate's murder involving a car's tire popping and screeching before it plunged off a deserted Philadelphia road in a fatal accidental crash)
  • the scene of Jack's discovery that there was a gunman in the bushes who had shot the left front tire to cause the crash - evidence of a conspiracy
Examining the Sound Tape for Evidence of a Cover-Up (Gunman in Bushes)
  • the climactic, violent pursuit scene during a surreal Liberty Day Jubilee 1981 celebration in Philadelphia with fireworks during which the injured Jack reached serial killer Burke ("The Liberty Bell Strangler") (John Lithgow) who had just killed wired friend Sally Bedina (Nancy Allen); he was able to stab Burke with his own weapon, and then grieved over Sally's lifeless body
The Violent Ending
  • in the ending, the ironic - haunting and sad - use of Sally's recorded 'perfect scream' for a shower-scene in an exploitation slasher film: (Producer: "Now that's a scream!")

Sound Effects Technician Jack Terri (John Travolta)

The Fatal Car Crash

Burke: The Liberty Bell Strangler

Sally's Death Scream Used on Soundtrack


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