Scariest Movie Scenes

Greatest Scariest
Movie Moments and Scenes


Greatest Scariest Movie Moments and Scenes
(alphabetical by film title, illustrated)
Intro | #s-A | B | C-1 | C-2 | D-1 | D-2 | E | F | G | H
I-J | K-L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S-1 | S-2 | S-3 | T | U-Z

Scariest Movie Moments and Scenes: The compiled list, in unranked alphabetical order by film title, presents a solid collection of hundreds of the most classic, 'scariest' scenes in movie history, including film scenes that were once considered 'scary' upon their initial screenings (or scary for young viewers), but have lost some of their shock appeal.

Films represent some of the best and worst of the horror film genre including entries from the silent era, classic Universal 30's monster films, to Italian gallio and Asian horror, to some of the scariest, most shocking, bloodiest and gore-ridden slasher films of the recent past.

[Author's Note: Admittedly, the word 'scariest' may also be interpreted
as most horrifying, shocking, or many other such synonyms.]

Other Sources of Scariest Scenes in Film History: Many other websites, TV documentaries (i.e., The CW's 'The 13 Scariest Movies of All-Time', or Eli Roth's series History of Horror), magazines and horror books have attempted to compile listings of the scariest scenes in film history. Many of these sources are noted in Filmsite's own unique compilation.

Other Sources of Scariest Scenes/Films

Bravo's 100 Scariest Movie Moments
(October, 2004, TV)

Bravo's 30 Even Scarier Movie Moments
(October, 2006, TV)

Bravo's 13 Scarier Movie Moments
(October, 2009, TV)

Entertainment Weekly's "20 Scariest Movies of All Time"
(October, 2004 issue)

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Best Film Death Scenes


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