Greatest Film Scenes
and Moments

Cocoon (1985)


Written by Tim Dirks

Title Screen
Movie Title/Year and Scene Descriptions

Cocoon (1985)

In Ron Howard's sci-fi fantasy:

  • the life-inspiring scene in which three seniors: Art Selwyn (Oscar-winning Don Ameche), Ben Luckett (Wilford Brimley), and Joe Finley (Hume Cronyn) were rejuvenated to life after swimming in the cocoon-filled swimming pool and exuded vitality and spunk toward their wives and fellow retirement home residents
  • Art's amazing solo break-dancing scene at a disco dance club - ending with his salute to the appreciative younger audience
  • the sexy scene in the swimming pool in which gorgeous Kitty (Tahnee Welch, Raquel Welch's daughter) demonstrated how alien Antareans expressed their affection: ("We show's very fulfilling") - without touching - to charter boat operator Jack Bonner (Steve Guttenberg)
  • the sad scene of the death of Bernie Lefkowitz's (Jack Gilford) wife Rosie (Herta Ware) after which he carried her limp body over to the non-functioning life-giving pool near the Florida retirement community to vainly revive her
  • the goodbye scene of Ben telling his grandson David (Barret Oliver) goodbye while standing knee-deep in water - and what he would miss on Earth (grandsons, fishing holes, hotdogs, baseball games, etc.) by going away forever to another planet, but also what he would gain: ("When we get where we're going, we'll never be sick, we won't get any older, and we won't ever die")
Goodbye Scene and Boat-Load Departure to Spaceship
  • in the finale, the scene of the boat-load of seniors being transported upward into a departing Antarean spaceship for the unknown planet

Rejuvenated Swimming

Art's Solo Break-Dancing Sequence

Kitty's Expression of Affection

An Attempt to Revive Rosie


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