Greatest Film Scenes
and Moments

Pat and Mike (1952)


Written by Tim Dirks

Title Screen
Movie Title/Year and Scene Descriptions

Pat and Mike (1952)

In director George Cukor's sports-related romantic comedy:

  • the early scene of outdoorsy college phys-ed instructor and Pacific Technical College coach Pat Pemberton (Katharine Hepburn), who became nervous during a foursome golf game, and was criticized for her lack of coordination on the golf course (she was advised to tense up her gluteal muscles in order to help her golf-stance) by screechy Mrs. Beminger (Phyllis Povah), who was being groomed to be a college donor
  • following Mrs. Berninger's condescending barrage of golf tips, Pat responded by twice pushing her into a chair before hitting nine teed-up golf balls in a row: ("If you could possibly lift the needle from that long-playing phonograph you keep in your face....Watch this. Will you excuse me? (She struck nine golf balls with perfect drives) (To Mrs. Berninger) You know what you can do with your gluteal muscle? Give it away for Christmas")
  • the scene of unscrupulous sports promoter Mike Conovan (Spencer Tracy) while attending the Women's National amateur championship, during his pursuit of Pat as one of his potential clients; he told her: "Well, I still think you got possibilities...You got my business card?...Get in touch with me. There's a nice dollar laying around waiting for you and I to pick it up....I mean legitimate, you know....A lady athlete properly handled - always a market...I don't think you've ever been properly handled" - he suggested that he could become her manager; she retorted: "That's right, not even by myself"; and then as she strutted away across the golf course green, he commented on her and her figure: "There's one thing I gotta say, though... Nicely packed that kid...There's not much meat on 'er, but what's there is cherce"
Mike to Pat: "I don't think you've ever been properly handled"
Mike Commenting on Pat: "...what's there is cherce"
  • after overcoming many hurdles in their relationship (her overbearing and demanding fiancée Collier (William Ching), mobsters, and a jealous boxer named Davie Hucko (Aldo Ray)), their concluding decision was to work together; Pat suggested that he take care of her, and that they could team up; he first reacted with: "I figure you can take care of yourself.... I'll bet you could even lick me...Sure, I think so...I don't know if I can lick you, or you can lick me, but I'll tell ya one thing I do know. Together, we can lick 'em all"; Mike had further reservations, however: "I can't handle this in my head. It rocks me....It's as though Hucko walked in and handed me an engagement ring....There's one thing only about us. Coming together, that's what I call a plenty long shot....An upper-cruster like you and my kinda type that can't even speak left-handed English yet. The whole gismo, it's hard to believe....Okay, kid. You got yourself a deal" - and they shook hands on it
  • in the short final scene the next day, during her major golfing event, she restarted their conversation by asking him three questions (during her final three holes) to clinch the deal: "I'm gonna ask you the three big questions. Who made you? ("You did")...Who owns the biggest piece of you?" ("You do") - and then after sinking her long final putt, she asked: "What would happen if I ever dropped you?"; when he answered: "I'd go right down the drain" to her last query, he also suggested that she join him: "And take you right down with me, Shorty."

Pat's Reprimand by Mrs. Berninger During a Golf Foursome

Striking Nine Golf
Balls in a Row

Teaming Up Together: "Together, we can lick 'em all"

- "Who owns the biggest piece of you?"

- "What would happen if I ever dropped you?"

"I'd go right down the drain...and take you right down with me, Shorty!"


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