100 Greatest Movie Characters
of All Time
Premiere Magazine
by Premiere Magazine
(reverse ranking)


Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

100 Greatest Movie Characters of All-Time: Premiere Magazine (in its April 2004 issue), in an article written by numerous authors, published a list of the 100 Greatest Movie Characters of All-Time. The defining moments were excerpted and abbreviated from the article.

Facts and Commentary About the List:

  • The list celebrated the most memorable movie characters in film history.
  • In terms of criteria, there were no biopic characters in the list, and priority was given to people who never were but "who are always with us movie lovers." They described the characters as such: "They took us over the rainbow, showed us that greed is good, shook us and stirred us, and made us an offer we couldn't refuse."
  • However, they left off animated figures (for example, Mickey Mouse, Jessica Rabbit), and many other prominent movie characters from their list of 100 greatest. See Filmsite's alternative and more inclusive list at: Greatest Film Characters of All-Time.

Additionally Recommended:

Note: The films that are marked with a yellow star are the films that "The Greatest Films" site has selected as the 100 Greatest Films

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