Best Film Speeches and Monologues
Title Screen
Film Title/Year and Description of Film Speech/Monologue |
Glory (1989)
Screenwriter(s): Kevin Jarre
Am Colonel Robert Gould Shaw"
Play clip (excerpt): 
Determined Colonel Robert G. Shaw's (Matthew
Broderick) first greeting to his assembled troops, the 54th
Massachusetts infantry, the first "colored regiment" composed
of volunteer black soldiers:
Good morning, gentlemen. I am Colonel Robert
Gould Shaw. I am your commanding officer. It is a great
pleasure to see you all here today. It is my hope that
the same courage, spirit, and honor which has brought us
together will one day restore this Union. May God bless
us all.
Glory (1989)
Screenwriter(s): Kevin Jarre
Full of Hate"
Sgt. Maj. John Rawlins' (Morgan Freeman) angry
chastisement and dressing down of Trip (Denzel Washington)
after he called Rawlins "the white man's dog":
What are you? So full of hate you just want
to go out and fight everybody, because you've been whipped
and chased by hounds. Well that might not be livin', but
it sure as hell ain't dyin'. And dyin''s what these
white boys have been doin' for goin' on three years now,
dyin' by the thousands, dyin' for you, fool. And all this
time I keep askin' myself, when, O Lord, when gonna be
our time? Gonna come a time when we all gonna hafta ante
up and kick in like men, LIKE MEN! You watch who you callin'
nigger! If there's any niggers around here, it's YOU, just
a stupid-ass, swamp-runnin' nigger! And if you not careful,
that's all you ever gonna be!
Glory (1989)
Screenwriter(s): Kevin Jarre
Love the 54th"
Trip's (Denzel Washington) halting, heartfelt
acknowledgement that the Massachusetts 54th was his only family
during a pre-battle spiritual sung around a night campfire
by the infantry regiment:
...I ain't much about no prayin', now. I
ain't never had no family, and... killed off my mama...Well,
I just... Y'all's the only-est family I got...And uh, I
love the 54th...Ain't even much a matter what happens tomorrow,
'cause we men, ain't we?...We're men...
Henry V (1989, UK)
Screenwriter(s): Kenneth Branagh
Crispin's Day Address to Troops: "We Band of Brothers"
Play clip (excerpt): 
King Henry V's (Kenneth Branagh) inspired pre-battle
address to his weary troops on St. Crispin's Day before the
Battle of Agincourt:
What's he that wishes so? My cousin Westmoreland?
No, my fair cousin. If we are mark'd to die, we are enough
to do our country loss. And if to live, the fewer men the
greater share of honour. God's will! I pray thee, wish
not one man more. Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through
my host, that he which hath no stomach to this fight, let
him depart. His passport shall be made and crowns for convoy
put into his purse. We would not die in that man's company
that fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is called the feast of Crispian. He that outlives
this day and comes safe home will stand a tip-toe when this
day is named and rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that
shall see this day and live old age will yearly on the vigil,
feast his neighbors and say: 'To-morrow is Saint Crispin's'.
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, and say:
'These wounds I had on Crispin's Day.' Old men forget yet
all shall be forgot but he'll remember with advantages what
feats he did that day. Then shall our names familiar in their
mouths as household words: Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester, be in their
flowing cups freshly remembered. This story shall the good
man teach his son. And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by
from this day to the ending of the world, but we in it shall
be remember'd.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.
For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother,
be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition.
And gentlemen in England now a-bed shall think themselves
accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap
whiles any speaks that fought with us upon St. Crispin's
Lean on Me (1989)
Screenwriter(s): Michael Schiffer
to Eastside High School Staff and Teachers: "This is
Not a Damn Democracy!"

Play clip (excerpt): 
After being hired, Principal Joe Clark (Morgan
Freeman) delivered his first address to the Eastside HS Staff
and teachers:
You may sit down, Mr. O'Malley. You think
you can run this school? If you could, then I wouldn't
be here, would I? No one talks in my meetings. NO ONE!
You take out your pencils and write. I want the names of
every hoodlum, drug dealer, and miscreant who's done nothing
but take this place apart on my desk by noon today. Reverend are now the chief custodian, Reverend Slappy.
You will scour this building clean. Graffiti goes up is
off the next day. Is that clear?... Detention students
can help you. Let them scrub this place for awhile, and
tear down those cages in the cafeteria. You treat them
like animals, that's exactly how they'll behave! This is
my new Dean of Security, Mr. William Wright. He will be
my Avenging Angel, as you teachers reclaim the halls. This
is an institution of learning, ladies and gentlemen. If
you can't control it, how can you teach?! Discipline is
not the enemy of enthusiasm! Mr. Zorella...Mr. Zorella,
you are now my new Head Football Coach. Mr. Darnell. Stand
up, Mr. Darnell. Mr. Darnell will be your assistant. You
know why you're being demoted, Mr. Darnell? Because I'm
sick and tired of our football team getting pushed all
over the field. Thank you. Sit down. I want precision.
I want a weight program. And if you don't like it, Mr.
Darnell, you can quit.
Same goes for the rest of ya. You tried it
your way for years. And your students can't even get past
the Minimum Basic Skills Test. That means they can hardly
read!! They've given me less than one year, one school year
to turn this place around, to get those test scores up, so
the state will not take us over to perform the tasks which
you have failed to do! To educate our children! Forget about
the way it used to be. This is not a damn democracy. We are
in a state of emergency and my word is law. There's only
one boss in this place, and that's me - the "HNIC." [Head
Nigger in Charge] Are there any questions?
Lean on
Me (1989)
Screenwriter(s): Michael Schiffer
to the Eastside High School Students
Play clip (excerpt): 
Principal Joe Clark (Morgan Freeman) also gave
an opening address to the rowdy high school students in the
Alright people settle down, now. You people
get down off the seats. Settle down. Settle down. Boys
and girls, settle down. May I have your attention? Quiet!
Quiet down! Take your seats! You people sit down. Sit down.
Quiet down. I am your new principal. My name is Joe Clark.
I want you to be quiet! I want you to listen! From here
out, there will be no smoking in this school! All of you
who are smoking, put out your cigarettes on the soles of
your shoes. Put the buds in your pockets! Now! You there,
you. Put out your cigarette. I'm going to ask the people
up on the stage to open with our school song...Mr. Rollin....Alright,
that's enough, Mr. Rollin, that's enough.
I want all of you to take a good look at these
people on the risers behind me. These people have been here
up to five years and done absolutely nothing. These people
are drug dealers and drug users. They have taken up space.
They have disrupted the school. They have harassed your teachers,
and they have intimidated you. Well, times are about to change.
You will not be bothered in Joe Clark's school. These people
are incorrigible. And since none of them can graduate anyway,
you are all expurgated. You are dismissed! You are out of
here forever! I wish you well. Mr. Wright...
Next time it may be you. If you do no better
than they did, next time it will be you. They said
this school was dead, like the cemetery it's built on. But
we call our East Side teams 'ghosts,' don't we? And what
are ghosts? Ghosts are spirits that rise from the dead. I
want you to be my ghosts. You are going to lead
our resurrection by defying the expectation that all of us
are doomed to failure. My motto is simple: If you do not
succeed in life, I don't want you to blame your parents.
I don't want you to blame the white man! I want you to blame
yourselves. The responsibility is yours!
Steel Magnolias (1989)
Screenwriter(s): Robert Harling
Wanna Know Why!"
Comatose diabetic daughter Shelby Eatenton Latcherie
(Julia Roberts) finally passed away when her husband Jackson
(Dylan McDermott) decided to pull the plug on her life-support
machine. Afterwards, her strong-willed and
overprotective mother M'Lynn Eatenton (Sally Field) delivered
a despairing ranting at the gravesite, breaking down as she sobbed
and asked: "I
Wanna Know Why!":
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm FINE! I
can jog all the way to Texas and back, but my daughter can't!!
She never could!! Oh, God. I'm so mad, I don't know what
to do!! I wanna know why! I wanna know WHY Shelby's life is
over!! I wanna know HOW that baby will EVER know how wonderful
his mother was. Will he EVER know what she went THROUGH for
God, I wanna know whyyyy! Whhhyyyyy?! Lord, I wish I could
understand. No! No! No! It's not supposed to happen this way.
I'm supposed to go first. I've always been ready to go first.
I-I don't think I can take this. I-I don't think I can take
this. I just wanna hit somebody til they feel as bad as I do!
Harry Met Sally... (1989)
Screenwriter(s): Nora Ephron
and Women Can't Be Friends - Amendment to the Rule
During an accidental meeting onboard an airplane,
five years after their college-era drive to New York, Harry
Burns (Billy Crystal) met up with acquaintance Sally Albright
(Meg Ryan). As they stood on the moving escalator at the airport
after their flight, he struggled to explain that he had an
amendment to his earlier 'rule' about relationships between
men and women:
Yes, that's right, they can't be friends...unless
both of them are involved with other people. Then they
can. This is an amendment to the earlier rule. If the two
people are in relationships, the pressure of possible involvement
is lifted. That doesn't work either. Because what happens
then is the person you're involved with can't understand
why you need to be friends with the person you're just
friends with, like it means something is missing from the
relationship and wanted to go outside to get it. Then when
you say, 'No, no, no, no, it's not true, nothing is missing
from the relationship,' the person you're involved with
then accuses you of being secretly attracted to the person
you're just friends with, which you probably are - I mean,
come on, who the hell are we kidding, let's face it - which
brings us back to the earlier rule before the amendment,
which is men and women can't be friends. So where does
it leave us?
Harry Met Sally... (1989)
Screenwriter(s): Nora Ephron
a Previous Relationship
When Harry and Sally again crossed paths at a
bookstore, ten years after their long drive, they soon were
talking together over lunch. Sally had broken up with husband
Joe (Steven Ford), and Harry was also in the midst of a divorce.
She gave a resigned explanation to Harry about
her failed relationship - she discussed her lack of commitment
to Joe, and how the issue of sex was eliminated when a couple
got married:
When Joe and I started seeing each other,
we wanted exactly the same thing. We wanted to live together,
but we didn't want to get married because every time anyone
we knew got married, it ruined their relationship. They
practically never had sex again. It's true, it's one of
the secrets that no one ever tells you. I would sit around
with my girlfriends who have kids - and, actually, my one
girlfriend who has kids, Alice - and she would complain
about how she and Gary never did it anymore. She didn't
even complain about it, now that I think about it. She
just said it matter-of-factly. She said they were up all
night, they were both exhausted all the time, the kids
just took every sexual impulse they had out of them. And
Joe and I used to talk about it, and we'd say we were so
lucky we have this wonderful relationship, we can have
sex on the kitchen floor and not worry about the kids walking
in. We can fly off to Rome on a moment's notice. And then
one day I was taking Alice's little girl for the afternoon
because I'd promised to take her to the circus, and we
were in the cab playing 'I Spy' - I spy a mailbox, I spy
a lamp-post - and she looked out the window and she saw
this man and this woman with these two little kids. And
the man had one of the little kids on his shoulders, and
she said, 'I spy a family.' And I started to cry. You know,
I just started crying. And I went home, and I said, 'The
thing is, Joe, we never do fly off to Rome on a moment's
When Harry inquired about "the kitchen
floor," Sally responded wistfully:
Not once. It's this very cold, hard Mexican
ceramic tile. Anyway, we talked about it for a long time,
and I said, this is what I want, and he said, well, I don't,
and I said, well, I guess it's over, and he left. And the
thing is, I-I feel really fine. I am over him. I mean,
I really am over him. That was it for him, that was the
most that he could give, and every time I think about it,
I am more and more convinced that I did the right thing.
Harry Met Sally... (1989)
Screenwriter(s): Nora Ephron
the Ways That I Love You
Play clip (excerpt): 
Harry's "why I love you" speech to
Sally at a New Year's Eve party in the film's conclusion:
How about this way? I love that you get cold
when it's seventy-one degrees out. I love that it takes
you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that
you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're lookin'
at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend the day
with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes.
And I love that you are the last person I want to talk
to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because
I'm lonely. And it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I
came here tonight because when you realize you want to
spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the
rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
Sally: (feeling manipulated but also melting)
responded, after which they kissed:
You see. That is just like you, Harry. You
say things like that, and you make it impossible for me
to hate you, and I hate you, Harry. I really hate you.
I hate you.