A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)
d. Stephen Hopkins, 89 minutes
Film Plot Summary
The title credits were interspersed with bluish-tinged
close-up body images of a couple making love - two surviving teens
from the previous film, Alice Johnson (Lisa Wilcox) and Dan Jordan
(Danny Hassel).
Alice was obviously experiencing a troubling
- While Alice took a shower after sex, brownish
water gurgled up from the drain. After she knelt down and attempted
to clear it, the force of the shower jet suddenly increased.
The water controls became inoperable and broke off, and some
of the shower tiles burst from the wall. She found herself trapped
and drowning in the shower stall when the door wouldn't open.
As she pounded on the door, it opened and she was thrown naked
to the floor - but now the scene changed.
- A heavy metal door
slammed behind her, and she proceeded naked down a walled corridor
toward a series of other doors. Before her in an asylum were about
one hundred maniac mental patients dressed in long-underwear walking
aimlessly around.
- Alice was now dressed in a young nun's white
outfit (with a nametag reading AMANDA KRUEGER), and struggling
to make her way through the crowd, as two orderlies on a raised
platform counted the inmates. Frightened, she found herself surrounded
by the maniacal men [one of whom was Robert Englund without Freddy
makeup] in the locked room when the steel bolted doors shut tight.
They converged on her and dragged her down.
- In her bedroom, a terrified Alice woke up from
the nightmare, screaming. At first, she was in bed with concerned
boyfriend Dan, but then he became the featured maniac from the
asylum. He rolled over her and pinned her to the bed. Then, he
suddenly disappeared when she pushed him away.
The blonde-haired,
blue-eyed Alice (after really awakening?) again went to take
a shower, tentatively glancing at the shower head and the water
Later that day, Dan and Alice were attending their
graduation ceremony from Springwood High School, with her three
- pretty and aspiring covergirl and model Greta
Gibson (Erika Anderson)
- nerdy sci-fi comic-book sketcher/artist Mark Gray
(Joe Seely)
- diver-in-training Yvonne (Kelly Jo Minter)
and Dan, the school's quarterback star with a future in football,
were planning on a summer trip to Paris, France, and he presented
her with a gift of coach airline tickets. She was still on edge
about her previous night's dream and felt out of control, while
Dan assured her: "Look, if you don't dream him up, he can't hurt you or
us. Remember?" Alice encountered her recovering alcoholic father
Dennis (Nick Mele) who had watched the ceremony from afar, so as
not to embarrass her.
A troubling series of events occurred after Alice
walked across the park on her way to work:
- She heard the familiar sing-songish "Elm Street - Freddy's
Theme" being sung by young girls who were skipping rope
in white church dresses. The sky in the park darkened, and as she
ran through the bushes following the children, she found herself
in a clearing where the shadows of tree branches reached out for
- She was standing in the fog before a set of ascending
gothic stone steps before a large abandoned asylum, where a silhouetted
nun next to a stone gargoyle statue appeared. She ran after the
nun up the steps toward the massive institutional building in the
distance, with spires and imposing towers.
- Alice entered through an open doorway and found herself
at the end of a long deserted corridor with rooms sealed off by
metal doors. She saw a large tattered baby stroller with rusty
wheels slowly move in front of her, and then stop at the foot of
another staircase.
- As she followed the nun up the stairs, the film
abruptly cut to a scene of a screaming Alice lying on a gurney
that was being pushed down the asylum's corridor into a delivery
room, where white-habited nuns, orderlies, and physicians crowded
around her, telling her: "There's nothing to be afraid of." She then found herself standing as a spectator, as nun Amanda Krueger (Beatrice Boepple) was being held down on the stretcher, about to give birth to a breech baby.
- When the baby was delivered, blood splattered
onto the doctor's gown as he exclaimed: "Holy shit. What
is it?" She
witnessed the birth of a grotesque baby, Freddy Krueger. One
of the nuns told Sister Amanda, the mother: "Sister, this
is one of God's creatures. Take solace in that." Sister
Amanda sat upright and replied: "That is no creature of
God. Stop it! Give it to me! Don't let it get away!" but
the baby broke free, scuttled away and escaped through swinging
double doors.
- Alice followed it from the empty delivery room into a church rectory [the location where Freddy had "died" in the conclusion of the previous film A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)]. On the altar of the church, the deformed baby located a crumpled heap of Freddy's decayed clothes (his striped sweater, etc.), and as it howled an ungodly, ear-splitting noise (and the church began to break apart and crumble, with the floorboards tilting upwards), it crawled into the clothes, grew in size, and was resurrected as the adult form of Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) in front of a stained-glass window.
- Alice was thrown backwards by the cataclysmic
event and covered with debris, as Freddy's hand reached out and
slipped into the razor-bladed glove - and scraped the sharp-clawed
fingers against the wall. Silhouetted in front of the small chapel,
Freddy raised his twisted arms in a mock-crucifix resurrection
pose, and smiled at Alice: "It's a boy." She protested: "You can't come back. I locked the door on you," but he grabbed her from behind with his clawed hand and replied: "Well, I found the key."
- With a wide-open mouth, he cackled at her, as
the back doors of the church opened and his mother Amanda (wearing
her nun's habit) appeared to rail against his unholy birth: "Your birth was a curse on the whole of humanity. I will not allow it to happen again. You brought me back to give you life, but now I must take yours." Freddy raged back: "We'll see, bitch, we'll just see," and disappeared in a column of smoke.
- Amanda spoke to Alice: "I must be released from my earthly prison...Look for me in the tower," as
the rear doors of the church closed shut on her and cut short
her words. Freddy's voice boomed out: "You'll never find her."
Alice pushed open the back doors, and found herself
at the diner, Crave Inn, where she worked as a waitress. Her
upset co-worker Anne (Beth DePatie) told her that she was four
hours late, arriving after midnight.
The raucous after-graduation party at the high school's
swimming pool (where Yvonne had provided access) was in full-swing,
as Alice phoned Dan and alerted him to Freddy's return and her
fears about how this had happened when she was awake. As he left
his friends at the pool to rush over to the diner in his truck,
Dan fell asleep at the wheel, signaled by the change in the radio's
broadcasting - and at the end of his nightmare, he died from a
head-on collision:
- Dan heard his mother criticizing his relationship
with Alice: "I'm calling about my wayward ex-son Daniel who's
been acting like an ungrateful, unmanageable dickweed ever since
he was seduced by that bimbo slut whore Alice!"
- He then heard
Freddy's voice coming from the radio: "If I were you, lady,
I'd kill the ungrateful piggy." Freddy caused Dan's seat belt
to wrap around his arms and body and restrict him, forcing him
to cross the center divider and drive into oncoming traffic.
- Freddy
emerged in the truck's cab as a passenger, drinking from Dan's
champagne bottle and spitting it out like acid ("Bad year,
Dan!"), pulling off his right arm from the shoulder socket,
and causing Dan to crash - and fly through the windshield. Dan
ended up at the edge of the school's pool - the party was over.
- With tattered clothes and cuts on his body, Dan
was awakened (but still asleep and dreaming) by a phone ringing
in the locked gym office, and again raced to his truck. When
he found it locked, he jumped on a nearby Yamaha motorcycle (with
a key in the ignition) and roared off through traffic at high
speed to get to Alice.
- As Dan dodged through cars on the bike, Freddy
began to take possession of the out-of-control vehicle as a hideous
creature/machine (while quipping: "This
boy feels the need for speed," and "Hey Danny, better
not dream and drive") - his face was formed out of the metallic
instrument panel, and he grabbed Dan's crotch with his clawed hand: "Gotcha."
- As
he struggled, Dan became melded or merged with the bike, transformed
into a mechanical monster hurtling
forward, and he crashed head-first into
an oncoming diesel truck. At the diner, Alice had a vision of
Dan flying backwards down a long membranous tunnel away from
her. Just at the moment of impact, Dan awakened as his pickup
truck collided (# 1 death).
The flaming crash occurred
close to the diner - Alice ran to the fiery site where she was
accosted by the semi-truck driver (Will Egan) (faintly resembling
Freddy Krueger): "He just came f--king flying out of nowhere...I
didn't even see him." As she approached Dan's burning truck
where his corpse was caught in the wreckage, his eyes snapped open
and he exclaimed (with Freddy's voice): "Hi Alice. Want to
make babies?! Ha, ha, ha!" Alice collapsed in a faint in the
middle of the street.
Alice awoke at the hospital, where she was comforted by hospital worker Yvonne, and told that Dan had died in an accident, although some suspected drinking (a champagne bottle was found in the wreckage). Alice disagreed: "It was no accident. It was Krueger. He used to come in through my dreams and not anymore. He found some other way." She was distressed: "It's starting again." Yvonne informed her that she was pregnant with Dan's child, and the doctor believed that her outbursts were typical, especially after a shocking, traumatic event.
Alice was kept in the hospital
overnight for observation (where she fell asleep and fancifully
had a dream):
- Alice met a young frail
patient, a six or seven year-old boy named Jacob (Whit Hertford)
who appeared at her door wearing a white hospital robe. He inexplicably
expressed his sympathy: "I'm
sorry your boyfriend got killed."
Later after recovering and
as she left the hospital, Yvonne told Alice that there were no
little boys on her hospital floor, and there was no children's
In her bedroom, an upset Alice told her three friends about the birth of Freddy Krueger:
"Amanda Krueger was part of a religious order that ran that asylum in the 1940s. She was raped by the lunatics and had the baby there. That baby grew up to be Freddy Krueger who murdered twenty or thirty kids right here on Elm Street. He got caught, but the courts cut him loose on a technicality. So, the parents of the murdered kids got together and killed him. Torched him. But that was just the beginning. He keeps on killing, but he kills people in their dreams -- their nightmares. He uses my dreams to bring him his victims. It's my fault that Dan's dead."
Yvonne told Alice that she shouldn't feel guilty
and hold herself responsible for Dan's death, because she was awake
when it happened. Alice suspected that Freddy was using some other
"He gets in through my dreams somehow and I thought I could control it, but something's changed and I don't know what he'll do next."
Greta reassured Alice, prophetically: "The bottom line, Alice, if anybody's trying to hurt you, supernatural or not, they're going to have to go through us first." Alice replied: "That's what I'm afraid of."
Greta's pushy socialite mother, Mrs. Racine Gibson
(Pat Sturges), hosted a fancy dinner party, and although Greta
attended (and sat at the head of the table across from her mother
at the other end), she was still in mourning for the loss of her
friend Dan. She tried to shut out the offensive company she was
forced to endure, and nodded off - and went into a deadly dream
- Greta was offered a plate
of food selections from the head chef/waiter (with a red/green
bowtie - Freddy!). She then engaged in an argumentative confrontation
with her mother about eating, telling her: "Why
don't I just eat the whole goddamn tray, go throw up, and come
back for seconds, all right?"
- Chef Freddy wheeled in a sterling
silver chafing dish on a trolley, pinned Greta into her baby chair,
exclaimed: "Bon appetit, bitch," and served her a platter
of a miniature Greta doll, introduced with: "Filet de Barbie!" He
filleted the doll with his claw-like bladed fingers, and force-fed
Greta with the dissected doll's innards. She resisted and spit
out the mush from her mouth, although Freddy forcibly grabbed her
head and stuffed her mouth full of food with a second helping: "You
are what you eat."
- The guests laughed as Greta, with an engorged
mouth and horribly distended cheeks, was hugged and burped by Freddy
- patting her back.
- At the same time, Alice
opened her kitchen's refrigerator door. The contents
quickly mutated into rotting, cob-webbed food items, and then suddenly,
Greta's bloated face came into view, as she desperately reached
out towards Alice to help save her. From the rear of the refrigerator,
Freddy lunged outward and grabbed Greta, yanked her back into the
refrigerator and closed its door, where a magnet held a note reading: "Die
Back in the Gibson dining room, Greta pitched forward
and collapsed at the table where she had choked to death (# 2
The refrigerator in Alice's home returned to normal, with no sign
of Greta or Freddy.
In the next scene set at the Edmund A. Gray construction
company warehouse, a concerned Yvonne and Alice went looking for
Mark. The two were upset about Greta's recent death (Mark had been
distantly in love with Greta). Alice confirmed that it was not accidental:
accident. I tried to warn all of you about Krueger...She must have
fallen asleep while she was at the table...I don't understand what's
happening. Krueger has to use my dreams but he got to Dan and Greta
while I was awake. How's he doing it?"
Later in his loft,
Mark spoke about one of his super-hero, action comic-book figure
Phantom Prowler wouldn't have been afraid to tell her how he felt.
If I only had a tenth of his guts. Jesus, he's not even real and
he's more of a human being than I am."
Alice affirmed that
Freddy Krueger was "real" -
and not just a comic-book character. As Alice made coffee, Mark fell
asleep, and appeared in a dangerous, comic-book dream world:
- Alice saw that Mark's last
sketch on his drawing table was of the front of the Elm Street house
- where he had entered.
- She drew a red stick-figure of herself (labeled
Alice) in the front of the dilapidated house.
- She deeply concentrated
and then entered the dream world to accompany Mark and attempt
to protect him.
- Inside the house, she found
Mark screaming for help, suspended in a gaping hole with jagged
torn edges in the middle of the living room (leading toward a membranous
tunnel, similar to a fetal canal). She stretched out her hand to
save him, and they strained to touch before she pulled him to safety.
- As they fled, Mark noticed blood on his hands
and fell backwards out of the frame, and dissolved from view
- he awakened in reality.
Alice, still in the dream state, then saw Jacob.
He was now pale and sickly, standing in the living room, staring
forlornly out the front window, and telling her: "Been having
bad dreams." He
also added: "Just waiting for someone," and turned accusatory:
don't even care about being a mom. How come you don't think about
me?...I like you. I want to stay with you. How come you don't like
He told her that his "friend with the funny hand" told
him that she didn't like him. After scurrying upstairs after Jacob,
Alice emerged back in Mark's warehouse loft, where he had awakened: "He's
really real, isn't he?"
Alice now understood that Jacob was
her unborn fetus son, and feared what Krueger was doing: "He's
doing something to my baby. I know it. He's trying to hurt Jacob...I
got to get away from here. Someplace where Krueger can't find him." Fearing
for her fetus during her pregnancy, Alice contacted Yvonne at the
hospital and had her arrange for an early ultrasound examination
with Dr. Moore (Stephen Grives). She also learned that unborn babies
are in a dream state about 70% of each day.
She realized
that Freddy was using her unborn child Jacob to enter into her
friends' dreams. Dr. Moore was annoyed about her unnecessary
ultrasound procedure: "Is
that why you're here. To see if your baby's having nightmares?"
- As
the procedure was being conducted (and she was under anesthesia),
and the baby's heart beat was intensifying, the monitor's picture
distorted, and Alice was transported into the fetal canal where
she witnessed the unborn fetus floating in her womb, attached
by an umbilical cord.
- There to her horror, she saw Freddy's face protruding
from the uterine wall, asking: "See any family resemblance?" Bulges
of light, representing Dan's and Greta's spirits, entered the
fetus' belly through the cord ("Feeding time. Soul food
for my boy"), causing Alice to react in terror and scream
at Freddy: "Don't touch him!" Panicked, she sat up
in the doctor's office and expressed her fear:
he doing to my baby?...He's taking their souls, their spirits,
and making the baby like him."
Later that day, Alice described her insane fears to her skeptical and worried friend Yvonne: "Greta and Dan were there. Krueger killed them. Now he was feeding them to Jacob." She believed that Krueger was back and targeting her unborn baby.
Mark arrived with copies of newspaper clippings -
evidence that Krueger had killed many others before them, and that
Alice was not crazy. Alice described that "Krueger's using Jacob's dreams." Mark suggested aborting the child, but Alice refused: "I saw him inside of me, growing. He's part of me and Dan. I want to keep him."
Alice then met with Dan's parents in her living room,
where both Mr. and Mrs. Jordan (Valorie Armstrong) were concerned
that the burden of Alice as a single mother having a child would
be too much for her. They offered to adopt the child and raise
it, after hearing from Dr. Moore that Alice was "hysterical" and
having "paranoid delusions." Alice was adamantly opposed
to what they called their "legitimate claim": "You're
not taking my baby."
Afterwards, Alice looked at the clippings that Mark
had obtained, and focused on one about Amanda Krueger, Freddy's
distraught nun-mother, who had not committed suicide by hanging
after Krueger's trial (as the newspapers reported), but spent the
remainder of her life in an asylum. Her gravesite memorial tombstone
contained only an empty plot: "If she killed herself, her
soul's gonna be in torment." Alice recalled how in the dream,
Amanda was trying to stop Freddy, but the door slammed before Alice
heard what to do in order to free Amanda's soul:
"He must have done it. We have to find where she died to release her soul."
Alice planned to go to sleep and enter the dream
world to free Freddy's dead mother's spirit so that she could rise
up and defeat Freddy for good:
- Alice entered into the asylum tower
corridor trying to locate Amanda. She called out Amanda's name,
as Mark struggled to stay awake.
Meanwhile, Yvonne relaxed as she soaked in the jacuzzi
hot-tub in the gym's pool area and she entered a destructive dream-state.
As she luxuriated in the hot swirling water, she fell asleep, and
both Alice and Yvonne eventually ended up in the same dream-world:
- Yvonne climbed the ladder to the high-dive platform
above the pool, marked with striped lanes. As the diving board
cracked and trembled beneath her and then curled and rolled back
in four pieces over the top of her, she screamed as she tried to
keep her balance - within Freddy's clawed palm!
- She jumped off
into mid-air and tumbled out of control toward the pool water,
suddenly transformed into a small puddle. She dove perfectly into
it, breaking through the concrete into a churning, bubbling, nightmarish
- At the same time, Alice had ascended asylum stairs
that dead-ended at a brick wall, and rolled herself onto the
wall to escape, and crash-landed into the same jacuzzi. She saw
Freddy emerge from the jacuzzi water, and ask: "Where
are you going, piglet? The party's just starting" - he then
plunged his arm under the water, grabbed Yvonne by the hair and
pulled her gasping body out of the water.
- Alice impaled Freddy
through the mouth with a long pool skimmer metal pole and escaped
with Yvonne. Freddy staggered back and shut the door, refusing
to follow them because of his fear of Amanda.
- After barely escaping
from Krueger, Alice knew
that she had to find Amanda ("she's the key").
Back in the loft where Mark was reading comic books,
he noticed a new one titled NIGHTMARES FROM HELL, # 13, with claw
marks from Freddy's gloved hand on its cover. Inside were graphic
B/W drawings of:
- Greta's death sequence
- Freddy's recent assault
on Yvonne on the diving board
- Alice's earlier confrontation with
Freddy in the church
- Alice's first nightmare in the asylum
He also noticed a sequence of empty frames after
a drawing of himself reading comics -- after which he was pulled
into the comic-book dream world when he fell asleep.
- In a world of collapsing scaffolding,
Mark (the only object in color) found himself pursued by Freddy,
who slashed at him while riding a skateboard. Tons of scaffolding
crashed down around him, trapping Mark in a corner as blood dripped
down upon him. Looking up, he saw scaffolding decorated with various
dolls and in the middle of them, doll-like Greta (with blood dripping
from a stomach wound) imploringly begging for his help, as Freddy
scopped his clawed finger into her torso: "Is she delicious
or am I crazy?" He shoved her off the platform and like a
porcelain doll, she crashed onto the floor and exploded into pieces
at Mark's feet.
- Outraged, Mark whirled around when Freddy dropped
down to his level - he now took the form of his super-hero, the
Phantom Prowler, threatening: "Time to die, you scar-faced
limp-dick!" He blasted Freddy full of holes (showering confetti
from his body) with two futuristic pistols. But suddenly, Freddy
lept to his feet, laughed menacingly, and became a Super-Freddy
character: "Faster than a bastard maniac! More powerful than
a loco-madman! It's Super-Freddy!" He reached out and swiped
through Mark's body - slashing his paper opponent in the side,
as the color drained out of Mark's sketched figure ("Told
you comic books was bad for ya").
- Mark was further shredded
into thousands of tiny paper pieces. The shredded pieces fell onto
the floor of Mark's loft and into the open comic book he was
reading, with the empty frames now filled in and illustrated
with his death (# 3 death).
Mark's bloodied
body laid nearby, noticed by Alice as she awakened. At the same
time, Yvonne awakened with a start in the jacuzzi in the school
Mark's body was taken away by ambulance, with police reporting that Mark had died in his loft when crushed beneath collapsed shelving not up to code. Alice knew that she had been spared because Freddy needed her alive. When Yvonne drove up and learned that Mark had been killed by Krueger, Alice told her: "We have to get to Krueger before he gets to Jacob again." She decided that they could get to him through Amanda in the abandoned asylum, and sent Yvonne there to find her and release Amanda's soul: "Find Amanda! And hurry!"
Yvonne drove to the asylum overgrown with weeds,
ascended the outside stone steps, entered with a flashlight into
the asylum tower, and proceeded down its cluttered corridor. Alice
returned home and fell asleep - and afterwards also emerged in
the asylum's corridor, determinedly calling for Krueger to come
out by taunting him:
"The game's over. I was stronger than you! So you picked on Jacob! You bastard! You're trying to make him like you, so you can live through his dreams. Well, I won't let you. You hear me, Krueger? OK, if you won't talk to me, maybe you'd like to talk to Amanda."
- Yvonne was using a crowbar
or pick to cut away at the brick wall in the tower, as Freddy
began his frenzied pursuit of Alice. Alice attacked him from
behind with a spiked baby stroller, and sent him tumbling down
stairs into the room with one hundred maniacs, who surrounded
him and literally tore him to pieces (Alice: "Goodnight,
- In
another area of the asylum, Freddy had created an M.C. Escher-like
impressionistic puzzle landscape (where water ran uphill, and there
were impossibly-angled stairs), to slow Alice down in her pursuit
of Jacob. It was a composite world, made up of Freddy's boiler
room, the church, the asylum, and the Elm Street house interior.
Reassembled and transformed, Freddy had caught up to Jacob and
had made friends with him (Jacob: "Mommy, meet my friend").
- Alice tried to entice Jacob to join her instead. As
Jacob raced to Alice, he heard the voice of his father Dan calling
to him: "It's all right, son. Now come with me." At
first confused, Alice then realized that it was a disguised Freddy
ploy and cried out: "Jacob, he's not your father." As
Jacob reached Alice, Freddy went back into hiding, and Jacob
revealed where he was: "Inside you, where he hides...Where
he hides out, inside. That's how he found me."
- Horrified
by the revelation, she challenged Krueger to come out of her
body -- Freddy's head began to emerge from under Alice's face,
as she grabbed his head and tore him away, and fought with other
parts of her body to extract him, and to keep him from taking
over her body from the inside out (Freddy: "Now we can really
get to know each other").
- In anguish and almost dead, Alice was losing
the struggle with Freddy. At the same time, Yvonne broke through
the brick wall, located Amanda covered by a nun's white habit
and kneeling on the floor, and touched her shoulder to release
her spirit.
- Sister Amanda arrived at the
scene of Freddy and Alice locked in combat, and urged Jacob to
defeat Freddy: "Jacob! Alice will not triumph. Only you can help her now." Jacob (becoming Freddy-like) commanded Freddy enticingly: "Hey, leave her! Let's go. I want to learn stuff from you. She's no fun anymore. Teach me?" Freddy gave Alice a lascivious kiss before pushing her to the ground, exhausted and beaten.
- Amanda then commanded Jacob: "Unleash the power he has given you." Jacob turned back toward Freddy and said: "School's out, Krueger," before opening his mouth and impaling Freddy in the abdomen with his enlarged tongue, encapsulating the souls of Dan, Greta, and Mark. The trio of souls thrust through Krueger, emerged through his back and pulled him backwards toward Amanda.
- Howling in pain as he was being dragged, the Freddy
fetus was ripped from his back, and Freddy reverted back to his
malevolent infant state (as his clothes fell to the floor). The
new baby Jacob emerged from the pile of clothes - Alice picked
up the infant and cradled him in her arms. The two mothers then
simultaneously merged with their offspring.
- First, as the Freddy
infant tried to escape, Amanda picked him up and absorbed him
back inside of her in a flash of light.
- And second, Alice also received
Jacob back into herself in the same manner.
- As Amanda stumbled
away, she warned Alice: "Stay back. Take your baby and leave."
- Suddenly,
Freddy's gloved hand began to emerge from within her stomach, fighting
to break through ("Let me out"). Amanda forced it back.
A series of church doors closed and exploded before a final one
slammed shut, forever blocking access between Alice and Amanda.
In the final scene set in a park some time later, Alice admired her new cherubic baby Jacob with Yvonne and her father, and finally seemed to be at peace. She told her infant: "Sweet dreams, Jacob Daniel."
The camera made a slow backward dolly beyond a nearby
jungle jim, where a young girl in a white dress was skipping rope,
with humming on the soundtrack of the familiar and ominous Freddy
The film ended with a final Freddy cackle, over a
black screen.
Film Notables (Awards, Facts, etc.)
With a production budget of $6 million, and box-office gross receipts of $22 million (domestic).
With the tagline: "Now Freddy's a daddy, he's killing for two."
A very poorly rated and received film in the long series. It won the Razzie Award for Worst Original Song: "Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter," and was nominated for another Worst Original Song: "Let's Go!"
Prior to its theatrical US release, three scenes were highly-censored in order to receive an R-rating - Dan´s transformational fusing death on a Yamaha motorcycle, the dinner scene with Greta in which Freddy forced her to eat her own innards, and the demise of Mark.
Body Count: 3 (all killed by Freddy).
Baby Freddy/
Featured Maniac/
Freddy Krueger
(Robert Englund)

Alice Johnson
(Lisa Wilcox)

Dan Jordan
(Danny Hassel)

(Kelly Jo Minter)

Greta Gibson
(Erika Anderson)

Mark Gray
(Joe Seely)

Mrs. Jordan
(Valorie Armstrong)

Dennis Johnson
(Nick Mele)

Mrs. Racine Gibson
(Pat Sturges)

Amanda Krueger
(Beatrice Boepple)

(Whit Hertford)