Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)
(aka A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 6: The Final Nightmare)
d. Rachel Talalay, 89 minutes, 105 minutes (original release)
Film Plot Summary
The film opened with a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche:
"Do you know the terror of he who falls asleep? To the very toes he is terrified, because the ground gives way under him, And the dream begins..."
It was followed by a Freddy Krueger quote: "Welcome to Prime Time, bitch."
The time was approximately ten years (circa 1999)
after the previous film. In the town of Springwood, Ohio:
killings and suicides wipe out entire population of children and
teenagers. Remaining adults are experiencing mass psychosis. There
is new evidence of one surviving teenager..."
After years
of Freddy killing children and teens in Springwood, only one child
of Springwood remained - an unnamed teen (referred to as "John Doe"),
who was having a disturbing nightmare:
- One anxious young male passenger was aboard a
jetliner flying through a violent thunderstorm, rocked by turbulence.
Fearful of his situation, noticed water trickling down his window
and a strange bending noise, similar to metal fatigue. His overweight
seat partner (Virginia Peters) was suddenly sucked out of a hole
in the fuselage above him, and then he was similarly dropped
through the floor of the plane for a free-fall through the air
into the roof of a suburban house below. He abruptly awoke from
a scary dream in his own Springwood bedroom.
- When he opened his window, he saw that the whole
house was flying in the sky above the city, as items of furniture
crashed to the floor. As he peered out into the windy air, he heard
the cackling laugh of caped witch Freddy Krueger riding on a broomstick
(similar to the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz (1939)): "I'll get you my pretty, and your little soul, too!" The
house crash-landed at 1427 Elm Street where he was thrown out of
the window, as the credits began to play.
- He
found himself in front of the nearby 1428 Elm Street house, boarded-up
and for sale, before he hopped a fence, tumbled down a steep hill,
and at the 'dream border' at the outskirts of Springwood, came
upon a ticket booth with a Ticket Seller (L.E. Moko, aka producer
Robert Shaye) inside (with a razor-fingered right hand), offering
him a ticket: "One ticket, round trip. Hurry up, boy. You
don't wanna miss the bus."
- As he turned
facing a dream road, he was struck by a "SPECIAL" nightmare bus driven by Freddy Krueger and was plastered to its front grill. When the bus suddenly braked and came to an abrupt halt, he flew forward and broke through an invisible barrier - landing in the real-world from the dream world. Freddy approached the hole (an outline of John's body) and when it touched it, the opening sealed itself up and he couldn't cross over (Freddy ordered: "Now be a good little doggy and go fetch").
John woke up on the edge of town (next to the
town sign) with a bloodied head after hitting a rock and suffering
a concussion, and he was unable to remember who he was or how
he got there. He searched in his pockets and found a local Springwood
newspaper clipping headlined: KRUEGER WOMAN STILL MISSING. He
stumbled down a deserted two-lane road toward a distant town.
In a Recovery House Youth Center for troubled youth,
there were a number of teenaged patients, treated and counseled
by Dr. Maggie Burroughs
(Lisa Zane):
- juvenile delinquent
stoner and video games addict Spencer (Breckin Meyer), who was
having a brief meeting with his overbearing, demanding affluent
father. He had seriously destructive
tendencies (setting cars on fire, creating pipe-bombs, etc.)
and was non-conformist.
- sexually-abused,
martial-arts and boxing fanatic Tracy (Lezlie Deane) - a butch-like
psycho teen who didn't like to be touched and had a fiercely
aggressive, survivor-spirit.
- "John
Doe" - found in an alleyway by two police officers thinking
he might be a junkie, was dropped off at the shelter where he became
the newest resident, suffering from amnesia and sleep deprivation.
- hearing-impaired,
physically-abused Carlos (Ricky Dean Logan), who had been disabled
by rough treatment from his mother.
The trio (Spencer, Tracy, and Carlos) were plotting
to run away from the shelter in a pre-dawn escape.
In his littered
office with various pieces of high-tech computer equipment and
3-D goggles, middle-aged, hippie dream therapist Doc (Yaphet
Kotto) spoke to fellow counselor Maggie about his unconventional
technique to reach the teens: "I
can reach these kids through their dreams." He even suggested
that he could aid Maggie regarding her reoccurring dream. He
spoke about his wall poster - a drawing of three "ancient
dream demons" who roamed
the dreams of the living until finding the "most evil, twisted
human imaginable. Then they give him the power to cross the line
and turn our nightmares into reality."
Maggie was called to an evaluation room to treat the newest patient, "John Doe," who hadn't slept for three days, and had no memory. His only recollection was that he was "the last...survivor." He wanted to stay awake, knowing that if he fell asleep, he wouldn't wake up: "If I fall asleep, there's gonna be trouble." The newspaper clipping tipped Maggie off to his origination point, Springwood, marked by a water tower.
As she slept at her desk, Maggie (with John) both
had dream visions:
- the
figure of the 'Krueger Woman' in the newspaper clipping came alive
and became three-dimensional.
- Maggie saw herself
as a young girl, Little Maggie (Cassandra Rachel Friel) playing
tag with her faceless Daddy in a backyard garden (near the water
tower) - but was abruptly awakened by a woman's scream.
- At the
same time, "John" felt
water (and then blood) dripping from a pipe onto his cheek in the
youth center's dormitory. After looking up at the bloody ceiling, "John" found
himself in a bed in the living room of the Elm Street house where
the same little girl from Maggie's dream was asking: "Play
with me." When he asked who she was, she replied "I won't
tell" and walked off.
- He followed her up the hallway's staircase,
but was actually sleep-walking in mid-air in the shelter's real-world
hallway. Inside one of the second floor rooms of the house was
a brightly-lit padded cell, where a bloodied figure in a strait-jacket
was hunched in a corner. As he approached the figure (who had a
cut on his head), he whipped around and revealed himself to be
another version of "John," demanding: "Free me,
you idiot! I'm your f--king memory!"
- "John" screamed,
turned, and barreled backwards into one of the shelter's security
guards standing behind him, inadvertently crashing him through
a window, but not harming him.
The next day, Maggie again evaluated "John" by questioning him about his dream of a room, house, and a little girl (brown-haired with red ribbons) - also "something about the town from my article," and the water tower. She and Doc were both unnerved and uneasy about "some connection" between Maggie's and "John's" dreams: "And his dreams mean bad news." He confronted Maggie, who was sick and tired of hearing about dreams, telling her: "You may not be ready to face what this boy will show you." However, she proposed to amnesiac "John" that they take a van on a two-mile drive to Springwood to revive his memory: "It's gonna trigger something."
During the trip after passing the Springwood town
sign, "John" fell asleep - and awoke in another hallucinatory
- The little girl from his dream was standing in the
middle of the roadway, warning: "Go back!" He grabbed the wheel to avoid striking her, causing the van to spin out of control in the real-world.
When the dust settled, the three stowed-away teens
(Tracy, Carlos, and Spencer) in the back of the van tumbled into
view. Although Maggie was angered by their dumb stunt, they continued
onto Springwood and arrived at the town's Spring Fair, a pathetic
attraction with only a few run-down booths (a dilapidated bumper
car ring, rotting pies, a cigarette-smoking clown, etc.) - and
no children!
A repulsive and slightly weird Childless Woman
named Ethel (Roseanne Barr) confronted the three teens near an
inoperative payphone, ready to adopt them: "Would you like to come and live with us? It's been so long since we've had children in the house." When her enraged husband, Childless Man (Tom Arnold) dragged his unstable wife away as she protested, "I want my children back!" he argued: "You know they bring him!" A loud town school bell tolled, causing the town's inhabitants to react fearfully - Spencer noted: "We're in Twin Peaks here."
The plan was for the three teens to drive themselves
back to the shelter, while Maggie and "John" would walk
to the school and have another car sent for them. Tracy
drove the van into the town center's square (twice), where a bronze
statue of a saluting Boy Scout was engraved: "THE CHILDREN
SHALL ENDURE." They appeared to be driving in circles, and
had difficulty leaving the town. When Carlos struggled to unfold
a map for directions (in a mini-dream nightmare), it kept getting
bigger and bigger and soon filled the entire back of the van. One
of the pages of the map had a message in blood-red letters: YOU'RE
F--KED. When he was startled awake and told them disorientedly, "the
map says we're f--ked," Spencer decided to change places with
Tracy and take the wheel, although he later admitted how they couldn't
escape the town: "There's no way out." As darkness fell,
the trio eventually left the van and walked into an abandoned house
on Elm Street in the neighborhood.
Meanwhile, on a deserted town street, Maggie and "John" came
upon a large colored chalk drawing on the concrete of Freddy Krueger
(with his red/green striped sweater, fedora, and clawed right hand),
with the words: "One Two Freddys Coming for You." At
the high school, a brick wall was covered with graffiti: "3,
4 Better Lock Your Door." In one of the classrooms, an insane
teacher (Matthew Faison) lectured to two empty chairs (he called
his class "Freddy 101"), and when he unrolled a map,
it was inscribed: "Five Six Grab Your Crucifix." A scrapbook
on a desk contained clippings of reports of the town's missing
children, and told of a search for the alleged killer, Freddy Krueger,
who had mutilated or slaughtered them. The article that "John" had
carried with him fit perfectly into one of the clippings on the
page. Maggie told him: "You were here." A plaque in an "In
Memorium" display showed that all the deceased in the town
were within a ten-year period, as "John" noted: "Freddy
happened here." As the teacher continued his lesson with a
Freddy Krueger time-line drawn on the blackboard, he explained
how Freddy had a child taken away from him (the reason for his
murderous rampage?) that was put in the town orphanage: "Freddy
had a kid."
The three teens decided to rest in one of the houses
(marked by a For Sale sign), which began to transform itself after
they entered. It became the notorious and sinister 1428 Elm Street
home, where blood dripped down the front door, walls and windows
cracked, and the For Sale sign caught on fire. Carlos went upstairs
to look for a place to sleep, while Tracy observed: "This
place makes the shelter look like the Ritz." Off the upstairs
hallway (similar to the one in "John's" nightmare), Carlos
found a bedroom with a dusty bed and fell asleep. [He would become
Freddy's first victim, forced back into his own past to relive
his traumatic upbringing.]
- He awoke to the sound of his name being
called, and the hallway became a corridor in an inner-city tenement
building with one end blocked by a brick wall - it was a memory
of his own home, with Tracy's voice turning into the voice of his
domineering mother (Angelina Estrada). She slapped him on the side
of the head and threatened to clean out his ear canal with an extremely
long Q-tip - he was recalling the time when he went deaf from abuse: "No,
no, Mama, please. I've been a good boy....Please don't make me
deaf, Mama."
- Freddy's hand grabbed his face and forced the
Q-tip through one ear and out the other, popping out his hearing
aid. Freddy then neatly sliced off a portion of Carlos' right ear,
quipping: "Oh, Carlos, lend me your ear," and then tossed
Carlos through the brick wall, sending him tumbling down a rickety
old fire escape. He landed on one of the catwalks in Freddy's boiler
room with pipes spewing steam, although most of the sound was muffled.
- In a panic, Carlos wandered through the maze
of pipes and along the catwalk, as Freddy snuck up behind him.
He called out: "Give
me my hearing back!", and the hearing aid was dropped to him,
but when applied to his ear, it mutated into a nasty clamp that
painfully dug into his flesh with sharp claw-like appendages. Carlos'
hearing was restored, but it was super-sensitive with the amplified
hearing aid. Freddy tormented Carlos by dropping a single pin that
loudly whistled through the air, and then he dropped a full handful
of pins that were deafening when they hit the ground.
- To kill Carlos
with crushing pain caused by screeching sound vibrations, Freddy
joyfully and sadistically scraped his razor-fingered glove against
a magical chalkboard until Carlos' nose and ear canals bled when
blood vessels burst - and his pulsating, expanded head exploded (# 1 death).
Freddy caught the aberrant hearing aid from the blast and joked: "Nice hearing from you, Carlos."
All that was left of Carlos in the bedroom was his hearing aid, found by Tracy.
In the downstairs living room, Spencer was smoking
pot and falling asleep on the sofa - and would become Freddy's
next prey:
- Spencer watched an image on the broken-down TV
set with a smashed screen (of desperate kids' faces, scarred
or bloodied inside the tube, one of whom was Carlos who screamed
a warning: "Don't
fall asleep, man!").
In town, Maggie and "John" visited the Springwood Orphanage, established in 1929, to find out about the "dead killer's kid." John tensely noted: "We might be talking about the same thing." Maggie thought the whole town had become obsessed by the Krueger character, including "John," who suspected that there was a reason why he was alive (when everybody else was dead) - could he be Freddy's child?
They were met by an Orphanage Woman (Elinor Donahue),
another insane Springwood adult, who was singing "Skip to my Loo" to an imaginary group of children (due to the fact that all the real-world children in the town had been slaughtered by Freddy). She recognized "John" and greeted him: "Oh, you've come back," although she remembered Maggie more clearly: "What a pretty little girl you were!" When "John" asked, the woman wouldn't specifically disclose the "real identity" of Krueger's child.
Maggie picked up a crude, colored-crayon drawing
(by a child named K. Krueger) of a Krueger family portrait of three
individuals - a mommy, a daddy (wearing a red/green striped sweater)
and a child (of unknown gender). "John" was certain that
he was Freddy's kid: "It's me. I'm his kid. That's why he's
kept me alive. He's trying to play some sick game with me." Maggie
tried to reassure "John": "He's dead. And you're
not his kid."
When they went outside to leave, Tracy drove up in
the van, relieved to have found them. "John" was worried about Freddy getting to Carlos and Spencer before they did - and they hurriedly drove off together. Shortly
later, Maggie emerged from the cellar into
the backyard of the Elm Street house, similar to the backyard of
her nightmarish dream with the nearby water tower, as she realized: "Whoa,
I'm here."
- Back at the Elm Street house, Spencer began his nightmare while watching television, as a Teen on TV (Johnny Depp), in a Public Service commercial about the dangers of drug abuse, held up an egg and fried it in a sizzling pan on a stove: "This is your brain - on drugs. Questions?" Freddy Krueger walloped the Guy in the face with the frying pan, and then invited Spence: "Let's trip out."
- The teen was drawn into and surrounded by a cartoonish
world of psychedelic colors (to the tune of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" by Iron Butterfly) - and literally grabbed, dragged or sucked into the television world, where a virtual Freddy Krueger was manipulating a joystick to control a Mario Bros. type video game, with Spencer as the character of Mario (Freddy: "Now, I'm playing with power").
- Spencer/Mario was forced to jump off a brick wall,
and was confronted by a series of ever-increasing in size, tennis
racket-swinging Dads wearing shorts (Freddy: "Father knows best") that whacked at him, and demanded more forcefully: "Be like me!"
- Spencer
then began punching through a wall and broke away from the game,
crashing into the kitchen window of the Elm Street house, but
he was still asleep, and his abdomen was convulsing from foot-stomping
delivered to his stomach by a giant, computer-animated Freddy
character in the videogame. "John" realized: "He's stuck in a nightmare...It's Freddy."
- Spencer's body suddenly flew up and his head crashed
into the ceiling, and then he began bouncing, like a cartoon
character (controlled by Freddy's joystick), throughout the house
and he was punching holes with his fist into the walls.
To get
Spencer out before he was killed, "John" proposed entering
his dream - weirdly believing that Freddy wouldn't hurt him ("I'm
Tracy deliberately knocked him out with a plank of wood - to enable
him to enter into the dream world to help Spencer. Tracy accompanied
him - although she used an "easier way...concentration meditation" taught
to her by Doc:
- "John" made a
hard landing in Freddy's nightmarish boiler room.
- "John" and Tracy followed
Freddy's laugh and found him in front of a TV playing the videogame.
- Freddy's razor-glove turned into
a remote-controlled "power glove" that
he used to further punish Spencer in the video landscape.
- In
real-life, Spencer's body bounced like a pogo-stick and tumbled
down the stairs, falling through rotten wooden planks at the
foot of the stairs into a pit to hell (#
2 death). Freddy was pleased: "I beat my high score," and
he absorbed an upsurge of blue light from the pit, feeding off
Spencer's soul: "Great to be back in business, thanks to
you." The
real-world TV in the living room filled with blood.
- Freddy
then turned to Tracy and lasciviously threatened her: "Daddy's waitin' for ya, little girl" - and she retaliated with: "Shut the f--k up, man!" and a swift kick to Freddy's crotch.
Maggie shook Tracy and awakened her to the real-world,
but when "John" couldn't
be brought back, they decided to pick him up and take him with
them in the van back to the shelter.
As the camera focused on "John's" face sleeping in the rear of the van, he awoke in his bedroom as he had done at the beginning of the film - had he been dreaming everything?
- At the window, "John" looked out on a peaceful,
sunny street scene. Standing on the Welcome mat on his front
porch, the ground suddenly dropped away, and the house was propelled
into outer space above planet Earth below.
- Again, he awoke in
a startled state in his bedroom, determinedly stating: "Not
again. He's not gonna get me again. Nothing is gonna make me
get off this bed." But
he was compelled to jump off his bed when the entire room was engulfed
in flames. He dove through the window, plummeting through the night
sky toward the town of Springwood.
- As he sailed through the air,
he saw a sign on his T-shirt: "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, PULL
STRING" - he pulled the string, triggering a parachute that
violently yanked him upward - through the roof of the van where
he was sleeping.
With Maggie driving, the van screeched to a halt
near the Springwood town sign.
- Under the umbrella top of the parachute, "John" looked
up and saw Freddy laughing at him, and then he watched as Freddy
began sawing through the parachute cords with his bladed hand,
while asking: "Do you think I'm your daddy? Wrong!" "John" panicked: "But
you let me live," when child-molester/killer Freddy revealed
that he had only used him to search for and get to his actual child,
his long-lost daughter - Maggie: "Only long enough for you
to bring me back my daughter...And now she's gonna take me to a
whole new playground."
- "John" was dropped to earth
and impaled on a long bed of steel spikesthat Freddy pushed out
onto the road, Wile Coyote-style.
"John" died in the real-world from his bloody puncture
wounds. (# 3 death)
- To feed off the dead teen and further strengthen
himself, Freddy sucked in the blue-light of "John's" soul energy.
Freddy told Maggie that Freddy's child was not a
male. He
then possessed Maggie by flying into her head as their van left
Springwood and crossed the town's outer limits, shattering and
exploding the invisible or supernatural dream border.
Back at the shelter, Maggie reported to her supervisor Kelly (David Dunard) about how "John Doe," Spencer, and Carlos had disappeared, and then discovered to her amazement that he didn't even remember them as patients or new arrivals: "Those kids were never here."
However, Doc remembered them, as he explained to Tracy and Maggie: "Because I can control my dreams. I'm not fooled by this thing you saw." Doc thought that Freddy was "f--king with the line between dreams and reality" and had not only killed them, but "erased" the teens. He knew that Freddy attacked people's minds, capitalizing on their fears.
Distraught in her own office, Maggie remembered that "John" had told her: "It's not a boy." She raced to her mother's home to search for her own Adoption Decree, realizing that she was a young adoptee named "Jane Doe," but her mother (Marilyn Rockafellow) had no knowledge of the identity of her parents. As Maggie wandered in the rain, she passed a newspaper vending machine, where the Springwood newspaper headlines read: "NINE, TEN, NEVER SLEEP AGAIN."
That night as Maggie slept, she encountered a dream
- Little Maggie's daddy, Freddy
Krueger (Robert Englund), played tag with her (as a young girl,
now named Katherine Krueger) in her Springwood backyard.
- Her fearful mother Loretta Krueger (Lindsey Fields)
came up from the cellar, sobbing and claiming: "I
won't tell."
- In the cellar of the Krueger home, the little
girl entered Freddy's unlocked workroom (just discovered by her
mother), decorated with newspapers (SPRINGWOOD KILLER STRIKES
AGAIN), prototypes of clawed-gloves, stuffed animals and reptiles
in formaldehyde jars, and pictures of young children.
- Maggie
- as a pig-tailed adult dressed in the little girl's dress -
emerged from the cellar room, where demonic, scorched-faced killer
Freddy Krueger stood before her and told his daughter that he
had vengefully killed all of Springwood's children:
my blood. Only you could have brought me out in your mind...They
took you away from me, but I made 'em pay. I took all their children
away from them, and now that's over."
- From the
cellar door, he pointed out Maggie's youth shelter behind him - "Time
to start all over again." When
she protested that it wasn't Springwood, Freddy chillingly asserted: "Every
town has an Elm Street." His goal was to start his killing
spree of children and teens in the town where the shelter was located
- a twisted ELM STREET sign erupted out of the sidewalk, marking
Freddy's new territory.
Maggie woke up in her bedroom and called out for
Tracy, who was in her own nightmarish world:
- Tracy found herself in a filthy bathroom
with graffiti on all the walls, and then found herself in a perverted
memory of her own dingy childhood kitchen where she was frequently
abused - her obese, depraved father's (Peter Spellos) voice spoke
out as he approached her from behind to put his hands on her: "Tracy,
girl. Daddy's home...I'm home, darling...Come on, give Daddy some
honey. No one has to know."
- Tense and wincing, Tracy turned
and cried out: "You're not my daddy!" She bashed him
in the head with an unplugged coffee percolator, and in crazed
fashion, kept beating at him and screaming: "Here! Do you
love me now? He's dead. My daddy's dead." The man rose with
a dented-in face, revealing himself to have Freddy's razor-gloved
hand, and joking: "What's with kids today, huh? No respect."
- Tracy
resisted and fought against him with her martial arts skills: "You
can't scare me anymore...This is my dream, and I do what I want."
Freddy thought otherwise: "Might be your dream, but it's my
rules!" To
escape from his control, she held her forearms over burners on
the hot stove, causing herself pain -- and her screaming forced herself
to wake up.
Maggie and Tracy both rushed to talk to Doc, who
was in the shelter's rec room.
- Doc was in his own dream world when he heard
Tracy calling to him from inside one of the lockers. Doc
swiveled around when confronted by Freddy who was speaking with
Tracy's voice: "You
taught her alot" -
and then with his own deep voice: "...but there's so much
more to learn."
- Doc beat Freddy senseless with a baseball bat
- but Freddy remained unharmed: "Sticks and stones may break
my bones, but nothin' will ever kill me." He had been burned
and buried, and he claimed that "they even tried holy water
(he held up his middle finger and sliced it off, but it magically
regenerated with two other fingers he had cut off) but I just
keep on tickin' because they promised me that."
- Freddy
described how his power and continually-revived, immortal life
came from "the dream
people. The ones that gave me this job. In dreams, I am forever." Doc
ripped off a piece of Freddy's striped sweater, and then his wristwatch
alarm went off.
Doc awoke up in the real-world in his office
where his alarm clock was loudly beeping, and where he was hooked
up with electrodes to a computerized brain-sensor machine. Tracy
and Maggie entered Doc's office, where he held up the torn piece
of sweater and proposed a way to get Freddy - "If this can come out, he can come out" - Freddy could be killed if he was brought into the real-world.
Maggie volunteered to confront Freddy, plug herself
into Doc's brain-wave computer monitor, and then have Doc pull
her out at the right moment: "You've got to be holding him to carry him out." Doc instructed Maggie to wear a pair of 3-D glasses once she was in the dream world, to get inside Freddy's mind: "You get inside of his (head)." Maggie insisted that she go alone, without Tracy: "It's gotta be me and him."
Maggie went to sleep to confront Freddy in the dreamworld,
where she encountered various stages of Freddy's life, seen in
his memories:
- Maggie
awoke in Doc's office, but no one else was there. When she put
on the 3-D glasses, they sparkled and dissolved into her face -
and she noticed the added depth and realism of the "dream
demon" poster
- living versions of the drawing. Maggie remembered her instructions: "Get
inside his brain" and literally walked into the poster image.
- She found the pathway to Freddy's brain
- a maze of surreal colors, structures, and firing and crackling
synapses in an electrical hallway.
- She was able to short-circuit one of the electrical
boxes with her wrist bracelet in order to enter through a deactivated
metal door (a portal into Freddy's memories), and emerged in a
grade-school classroom. She watched as young sadistic Freddy (Chason
Schirmer) cruelly smashed a pet hamster to death with blows from
a hammer, and was then teased by the other kids, chanting: "Son
of a hundred maniacs."
- After a flash of light, she then saw
Freddy inflicting mutilation upon himself as masochistic Teen Freddy
(Tobe Sexton) - slicing his own exposed mid-section with a straight-edged
razor. Freddy's mean, alcoholic foster father (Alice Cooper) repeatedly
abused the teen by whipping him with a belt.
- After another flash
of light, Maggie witnessed an angry mob of parents accusing adult
Freddy of being a "child killer," and burning his living
quarters by throwing a Molotov cocktail at him. While surrounded
by fire and about to be burned alive, the three demons gave Freddy
the power "to be forever."
- A final flash of light brought
Maggie to the end of her reoccurring dream - in the Elm Street
house basement - where she (as a little girl) climbed out of the
cellar and witnessed that Freddy was murdering his wife Loretta
in the backyard (# 4 death) - strangling her in front of his
own pig-tailed daughter.
- Freddy killed his wife "for snooping in Daddy's
special work" -
and discovering his secret past-time. With tears in her eyes, the
little girl promised her father: "I
won't tell."
- Maggie contronted Freddy
Krueger in the boiler room, screamed: "You killed my mother," and bashed him with a section of metal pipe. After struggling with him and holding onto him, Maggie thought she had pulled Freddy into the real-world of Doc's office, but he vanished.
Tracy, Maggie, and Doc raided the shelter's locked
arsenal of confiscated weapons to use in hand-to-hand combat
against Freddy. Maggie, with a spiked baseball bat in her hands,
found Freddy cowering and bleeding on the floor in the basement
behind some boxes (Maggie: "You're real here"). He tried to gain her sympathy:
"It wasn't my fault...You saw what they did
to me when I was a kid. You saw. I loved you and your mother. I
tried so hard to be good...But when they took you from me, it wasn't
But Maggie was enraged
and continued to battle him. She disarmed him of his clawed glove
with one violent swing of her bat, and it sparked to a stop on
the floor. Freddy, now with a burned face, was still menacing Maggie: "I
didn't need the glove to kill your bitch of a mother and I don't
need one now." He grabbed her by the neck, and threatened: "Give
Daddy the glove back, princess," although she fought back
and wrestled him, and pinned him with knives and other sharp implements
to a support beam.
When he tempted her with wearing the clawed
glove ("Go ahead, put it on, it's in your blood...That's it,
put it on. Feels good, doesn't it? Yeah, come on. Let your Daddy
show you how to use it"), she obliged and then stabbed him
deeply in the stomach with it. After Tracy threw her a lighted
pipe bomb, she also impaled it into his chest, adding: "Happy
Father's Day" with
a quick kiss on his cheek. Just before a massive
dynamite explosion that killed him (# 5 death), Freddy spoke directly into the
camera: "Oh,
kids." The three dream demons inside of him were freed and seen
flying out of Freddy, unable to revive him in the real-world.
Doc, and Tracy evaded the deadly blast, and Maggie's 3-D glasses
magically reappeared on her face (and were removed by Doc). She
smiled at her friends with glee: "Freddy's dead."
Film Notables (Awards, Facts, etc.)
With a production budget of $5 million, and box-office gross receipts of $35 million (domestic).
Although this was intended to be the final (sixth) film in the series, it was followed by Wes Craven's New Nightmare in 1994, and by the hybrid film Freddy vs. Jason (2003). The film was severely criticized for its general offensiveness, gimmickyness and cartoonish approach, and for irresponsibly disregarding much of the previous films' rules and events.
The film's poster displayed Freddy's birth and death dates: BORN November 2, 1984, DIED September 13, 1991, with the tagline: "They saved the best...for last."
The last approximately fifteen minutes towards the conclusion of the film, a journey into Freddy's brain taken by Dr. Maggie Burroughs (when she donned 3-D glasses) was originally theatrically shown in 3-D.
There were brief cameos from Roseanne Barr (as a desperate childless mother), Barr’s then real-life husband Tom Arnold (as a childless husband), Alice Cooper (as Freddy's alcoholic foster father) and Johnny Depp (as a Teen on TV in an anti-drug public service announcement, credited as Oprah Noodlemantra).
During the end credits, excerpts or clips were featured
from other A Nightmare on Elm Street films, to the tune
of Iggy Pop’s Why Was I Born? (Freddy's Dead). The
last scene displayed a picture of Freddy inscribed with R.I.P.
Body Count: 5 (4 killed by Freddy). The fourth
was a memory of Freddy murdering his wife Loretta. Freddy's death
was the 5th, killed by his "daughter" -
Dr. Maggie Burroughs (Katherine Krueger).
Daddy Freddy

Dreamworld Freddy Krueger
(Robert Englund)

"John Doe"
(Shon Greenblatt)

Dr. Maggie Burroughs
(Lisa Zane)

Little Maggie/
Katherine Krueger
Rachel Friel)

(Breckin Meyer)

(Lezlie Deane)

(Ricky Dean Logan)

(Yaphet Kotto)

Freddy's Father
(Alice Cooper)

Freddy's wife Loretta Krueger
(Lindsey Fields)

Young Freddy
(Chason Schirmer)

Teen Freddy
(Tobe Sexton)